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Join the NCASHSE Today!

The North Carolina Association for Social and Human Services Education offers three types of membership: member, affiliate member, and emeritus member.


Member: A member may be any individual employed in a post-secondary institution in North Carolina offering training in the social and human services field. This includes: Full-time or part-time faculty members with teaching appointments in social and human services programs and administrative staff or professionals holding positions related to the support or delivery of social and human services education and training.


Affiliate Member: A person or organization interested in the mission of the Association who works in North Carolina and who does not meet the criteria for membership above.


Emeritus Member: Emeritus status may be conferred upon retired members who have made significant contributions to the organization and the field of social and human services education. Emeritus members shall not be required to pay membership dues, and while they may participate in discussions and attend meetings, they will not hold voting rights or be eligible for elected positions.


Benefits of Membership

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